Art by lobolobo2010

Pandora Palace

Darach Kokuran
Frontier Brain, Castle Valet

Art by lobolobo2010

Liparis Nervosa

Darach's family has served Caitlin's for generations, faithfully remaining in their service for life. He was born four years before Caitlin, and became her attendant when he was ten. When she took an interest in Pokémon battles, he dedicated himself to becoming a trainer who can fulfill her curiosity.He is almost always reserved and modest, but battling awakens a hidden almost manic side to him, laughing and posturing like a villain. As soon as the fight concludes however, he is back to his normal, calm self.He remains at the Battle Castle in Caitlin's absence, but immediately flies to her side at her request. Once her needs have been met, he flies back to the castle and resumes his duties. This can happen multiple times a day, even in the middle of the night. It's become a common sight in Undella Town to see Darach touch down, straighten his hair, and enter the Villa.After Caitlin left the Battle Frontier, Darach selected Marley as a successor to the Castle and has been training her to be the next head of the facility.

Art by moa151


--Trivia and headcanons about Darach--- Anthe is the ancestor whom he resembles most, but one of her offspring actually married into the Kokuran family years after Sinnoh's settling.
- He is four years older than Caitlin, placing him at 18 during Pokémon Platinum, 26 in Pokémon Black and White, 28 in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, and 30 in Pokémon Sun and Moon. Most all interactions will assume he is 30, unless specified to take place earlier.


Darach has a select team of Pokémon he uses for battle, and various others whom he works alongside for his custodial duties.

Staraptor, the Predator Pokémon

Darach's family has raised Starly for quite some time, ever since one particular woman married into their clan. Darach's Staraptor has been with him since he was a very young child, growing into a Staravia before he became a proper trainer. Now they are faithful partners.Staraptor's preferred moves are Brave Bird, Double Edge, U-Turn, and Tailwind. He has a Life Orb, has a Jolly Nature, and the ability Reckless.

Empoleon, the Emperor Pokémon

Piplup was the first Pokémon Darach recieved upon becoming a trainer, acquired after a generous donation to Professor Rowan's research. A bit temperamental, but overall reliable.Empoleon's preferred moves are Hydro Cannon, Flash Cannon, Drill Peck, and Earthquake. He holds a Quick Claw, has a Brave Nature, and the ability Defiant.

Houndoom, the Dark Pokémon

Captured as a Houndour at Valor Lakefront.Houndoom's preferred moves are Fire Blast, Dark Pulse, Solar Beam, and Sunny Day. He holds either a Heat Rock, has a Jolly Nature, and the ability Early Bird.

Gallade, the Blade Pokémon

Captured as a Kirlia on Route 212.Gallade's preferred moves are Psycho Cut, Close Combat, Night Slash, and Stone Edge. He holds either a Scope Lens or a Galladite, has an Adamant Nature, and the ability Steadfast (which becomes Inner Focus upon Mega Evolution).

Entei, the Volcano Pokémon

Discovered inside of Stark Mountain while training to open the Battle Castle. Nearly killed Darach and his Pokémon, but they managed to subdue and gain the respect of the Volcano Pokémon.Entei's preferred moves are Sacred Fire, Extreme Speed, Solar Beam, and Sunny Day. He holds a Charcoal, has a Lonely Nature, and the ability Pressure.


There are various Pokémon who serve as staff at either the Battle Castle or one of Caitlin's other estates, and each has been trained by Darach. These mainly consist of Indeedee, Antique Form Polteageists, Minccinos, and Cinccinos. They clean and perform various tasks around the properties, to leave more important tasks to Darach.